The Gory Story Of Genghis Khan

The Gory Story Of Genghis Khan

The Gory Story of Genghis Khan a.k.a. Don’t Mess with the Mongols invites youngsters in to take a closer look at one of history’s most feared characters and to see how history depends on who is telling the story.

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Armed with an intriguing tale, fabulously foul facts, wonderfully wacky illustrations and our time-travelling commentator Yakkety Yak’s appalling jokes, Nayanika Mahtani sets out to explore whether Genghis Khan really was the evil villain that he is often made out to be.
Prepare for a riveting, rip-roaring read—packed with unusual surprises!

This gory story about one of history’s most feared characters is an engaging and fun way of presenting history – with the use of interesting trivia, family trees, maps, timelines (and Genghis Khan’s foot-tapping rap numbers!)